Florence Nightingale once said that nursing is an art that requires just as much devotion and preparation as any sculptor or painters work (Hideaki, 2016). Coming into this program I had an idea of what nursing was going to be like because my aunt has been a nurse for over 30 years. Growing up I admired my Aunt for her work ethic and knew that I wanted to care for the sick one day, just like her. Today, being a couple days shy of my pinning ceremony, I can officially say without a doubt that nursing school is an experience of its own. Unless you have been through it you can never sufficiently describe it enough for others to understand. Nursing school has been one of the hardest obstacles I have ever overcome, and a part of me feels that this accomplishment has changed me for the better. The friendships I have made, the mentors I have gained, and the professors that I have learned from, will live in my heart forever. Florence described nursing as an evolving career and believed strongly …show more content…
My practicum experience has added to my growth because it has given me the independence I needed to develop more professionally. I have learned so much in these last few weeks and genuinely look forward to my journey ahead. Moreover, as many of us know, children and adolescents are notorious for their honesty. I read an article that asked children what qualities they believe made a good nurse. They said a good nurse is one who is kind and thoughtful, professional looking, clean, smart, lets you be private, understands you, and is trust worthy (Randall & Hill, 2012). I cannot agree with them more. I believe a good nurse is professional, connects with their patients, respects their boundaries, and finds the right stride while walking that fine line. This is the insight I have gained, and the kind of nurse I strive to be. A good nurse, one that is truly