Which doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. Their where inconsistencies with both Jameis’ and Kinsman’s testimonies. The nature of rape cases is nightmarish because it often boils down to whether there was consent, and the only people who truly know whether consent was given are Jameis and Kinsman. Thankfully in the court of law we can’t just go by hunches and there has to be significant evidence to charge the accused with a crime, much less convict. To be honest all the accused has to do is stick to the narrative of “there was consent” and he shouldn’t have any issues. This is something that I feel those far on both sides of the case seem to fail to recognize. In sum, there was possible rape and definite mishandling of the case, and I frankly think that everyone who has seen the film should focus on the latter. It’s a pervasive issue that applies to many, many schools across the country, especially power house D1 …show more content…
So far the problem with rape accusations and the binge drinking that a lot of student do while in college is that there is no one presenting a good solution to the issue. Rape, especially of the date variety is often impossible to probe, and for this reason I would say its under reported. On the other hand, since no one is expecting solid evidence behind an accusation it is easy to fabricate. That is why I feel like me, my teammates, and other athletes have to be extra careful with almost everything we do with the opposite sex because every thing is magnified. Just look at how Carlton Braggs assault case was handled he was immediately arrested and his face plastered all over the news just to be proven innocent a week later. Back on the rape topic the question we’re left with is whether we want serial date rapist cavorting around campus destroying innocent lives because of a flawed society, or should we continue to destroy the live of the men who are innocent with a flawed system. However, with Lawrence being a decently good party town I have seen the pushiness of some guys, especially with drunk girls, can be incredibly worrisome. I’ve no doubt that date rape does occur on a pretty regular basis. There is a definite cultural and educational issue that needs to be solved. I don’t