This new shifts sort to bring changes in the society like for example in the second wave contra eonomism, “….second wave feminists extended the purview of justice to take in such previously private matters as sexuality,housework reproduction and violence against women…” (Fraser 2009:103). She goes on and on explaining the different shifts in during that …show more content…
Endowing their daily struggles with an ethical meaning, the feminist romance attracts women at both ends of the social spectrum…” (Fraser 2009:110-111) and she argues widely that “I have been very influenced by Boltanski and Chiapello’s book, TheNew Spirit of Capital (2007). They went back to Max Weber’s idea that capitalism always needs to borrow charisma from somewhere else to attract people — it has to convince people that there is something more at stake. It needs justifications that link personal gains to some notion of the common good….This is a very interesting argument but only half the argument. Boltanski and Chiapello are unfortunately quite gender blind. The other part of the story is women’s labour — the massive inflow of women in the labour force globally — so micro-credit, maquiladoras, Walmart, just as much as Google and Microsoft and Bangalore. There is a story about what is giving neoliberalism its charisma on this women’s half of it, and I think it is feminism….. Feminist ideas are being taken up by neoliberalism and being used to create a romance of the market, of women’s wage labour, of women’s entrepreneurism. So, yes, this is all about giving women choice, empowerment, leverage in the household,in the village. I am not