KineMortophobia: Kinemortophobia is the fear of ZOMBIES or the living dead.
“What to do if you have a zombie problem that gets out of control”
This is a essay of the fear of Zombies/ghosts and more.
So Kinemortophobia or The Fear of The Living Dead (TLD) aswell and The Walking Dead (TWD) “People who are afraid of The Living Dead then they have Kinemortophobia”
Kinemortophobia is thought of a joke where, in reality, it is a very real phobia. Kinemortophobics are terrified of zombies, or are afraid of turning into zombies. The word is derived from Greek Latin Kine= move, mort=dead, combined together to form …show more content…
… You could Face your fear; Admit you have a problem and talk to someone about it
Another example, Examine your fear: What are its roots? And another, Relax; If you start feeling anxious; try deep breathing or meditation. And last but not least. Getting help; If needed, consult a trained psychotherapist regarding your phobia. “ Some ways to tell if you have KinemortoPhobia”
Some ways to tell if you have kinemortophobia is that if you are not sleeping, seeing people as Z’s , Here Are some other ways to tell if you have KinemortoPhobia, Like most other normal phobias, the fear of zombies is a little different non real things but the phobia is real
Kinemortophobia also leads to variety of physical and emotional symptoms: Full blown panic attack, screaming, crying, shaking uncontrollably, sweating or feeling nauseated etc. Elevated heart rate, rapid breathing and 'stomach in knots' feeling is also reported by