My father’s role in my life was confusing for me as a child. From birth till the age of 5, I was very close to my father, I was a daddy’s girl. I remember doing everything with him and wanting to always make him happy. However, my parents separated when I was five due to his abuse of my mother. In fact, one of my first memories was my father physically attacking …show more content…
Many new fathers feel excited or even anxious. My experiences in life have given me quite a bit of advice that would be helpful to new father regarding his role in his child’s life. First, always be in your child’s life, no matter what. If you and your child’s mother separate or are not together, be sure to continue your relationship with your child. Building a strong relationship with your child will be beneficial for them throughout their entire life. Second, always make sure that your child knows that you care for and love them. Children need love and affection to feel secure. I know some fathers do not like to show affection, however, it is important. A hug, or snuggle or just an I love you will make a huge positive difference to your child. Third, always be interested in the things that your child is interested in. I know your child is just a newborn who only cares about eating, pooping and sleeping right now, but that will change. By showing an interest in what your child is interested in you have the ability to truly bond with them. For example, my daughter loves art so my husband always helps her come up with new ideas for art and she just lights