When Medgar Evers was old enough the USA drafted him into the military and sent out to fight. IN 1946 he returned home and went off to college at Alcorn College. The next step in his life he became the Secretary of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and carried out countless non-violent protest against segregation because of his hardworking personality. Evers was shot in the back on his driveway because of the same reas James chaney was killed, out of pure hatred. Because of his military background he received a full military burial and was laid to rest at Arlington NAtional Cemetery (findagrave). None could compare to Medgar leadership in the great Civil Rights movement. In the ende, America was never freed of discrimination but it changed most hearts to see Blacks as people and not their enemies. There were more than the ones I listed
When Medgar Evers was old enough the USA drafted him into the military and sent out to fight. IN 1946 he returned home and went off to college at Alcorn College. The next step in his life he became the Secretary of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and carried out countless non-violent protest against segregation because of his hardworking personality. Evers was shot in the back on his driveway because of the same reas James chaney was killed, out of pure hatred. Because of his military background he received a full military burial and was laid to rest at Arlington NAtional Cemetery (findagrave). None could compare to Medgar leadership in the great Civil Rights movement. In the ende, America was never freed of discrimination but it changed most hearts to see Blacks as people and not their enemies. There were more than the ones I listed