Babies with severe Factor V deficiency are at increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage which is bleeding that occur in the skull, or bleeding in the brain. People with severe Factor V deficiency can also experience bleeding in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, which can be life threatening. Women frequently have menorrhagia which is long, heavy periods” (National Hemophilia Foundation). Fresh plasma or fresh frozen plasma infusions are used to correct the deficiency temporarily and should be given daily during a bleeding episode. The loading dose of FFP is 15-20 mL/kg and then 3-6 mL/kg daily (E Medicine
Babies with severe Factor V deficiency are at increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage which is bleeding that occur in the skull, or bleeding in the brain. People with severe Factor V deficiency can also experience bleeding in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, which can be life threatening. Women frequently have menorrhagia which is long, heavy periods” (National Hemophilia Foundation). Fresh plasma or fresh frozen plasma infusions are used to correct the deficiency temporarily and should be given daily during a bleeding episode. The loading dose of FFP is 15-20 mL/kg and then 3-6 mL/kg daily (E Medicine