Brief Summary: Exposure to Family Violence and Attachment Styles as Predators of dating Violence Perpetration among Men and Women: A Mediational Model This passage will explain how children relate abuse to choosing a partner. Also, when abused you think that is the normal routine of things. Being abused can result in applying what felt normal as a child to what you believe should be done to your child. However, this does not mean that you will result in an abusive behavior, it means that you could have that aspect one day. In this article, the mediational model shows studies about how mother-to-child and father-to-child react to different scenarios. The mother-to-child and father-to-child show that they have high outcomes of dating violence and sibling perpetration because the attachment anxiety for their children to find someone else to love. It states, “Hence, the meditation model for women was largely supported such that sibling perpetration and attachment anxiety significantly meditated the relation between parent-to-child victimization and dating perpetration.” Analysis: This passage contains a lot of helpful information that shows magnificent amounts of strengthening points. According to the passage, it states that children 11 through 14 experience abuse more when dating begins. This passage has original information because it is from an individual who has reviewed other studies. Also, having an abusive past can make you relive several events over and over. Dating abuse is a result of how you think is normal from the relationship you have with a parent; if it is abusive then you are going to choose an abusive relationship, and if it is loving you are going to choose a comforting relationship. They support a lot of information with the study called the mediational model. Use: I will use this peer-view article, it has many things that will explain social work. This passage helps explain the results of having an abusive relationship with a parent(s) and applying it to partnership. APA Citation: Thiara, R.K., Hague, G., Bashall, R., Ellis, B., & Mullender, A. (2012). Disabled women and domestic violence: Responding to the experiences of Survivors. The Journal of Child & Family Social Work, 18, 504-510. Brief Summary: Disabled Women and Domestic Violence: Responding to the Experiences of Survivors This article contains information linking domestic violence and disability research. …show more content…
According to the passage it states, “The book is based on extensive research, including national surveys, interviews with policy-makers, and practitioners and, perhaps most importantly, interviews with abused disabled women themselves.” Throughout the book, there was a lot of information giving that helped link domestic violence and disability research. Because, with being domestic violated can cause an individual to have multiple disabilities. Also, being disabled has a perfect opportunity for an abuser to take advantage on abusing the physically and mentally disabled individuals. Analysis: There is several information that helps describe the main points of the article. Disabled individuals cannot fight back; this gives a physically abuser to take advantage of the situation. According to the article, “The testimonies that the disabled women gave suggested that being disabled may make domestic violence worse in several ways.” Also, the information through this article, Disabled Women and Domestic Violence: Responding to the Experiences of Survivors, is original because it is in a reviewers view. However, there is some sufficiently supported arguments in this article. Usage: This article from a Peer-review will help explain another view on domestic violence. This will explain how after abuse you could become disabled and being disabled could result in a greater opportunity for an abuser to abuse. APA Citation: Ogbonnaya, I.N., Pohle, C. (2013). Case outcomes of child welfare-involved families affected by domestic violence: A review of the literature. The Journal of Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 1400-1407. Brief Summary: Case outcomes of child welfare-involved families affected by domestic violence: A review of the literature In the article, Case outcomes of child welfare-involved families affected by domestic violence: A review of the literature,