Accidental deletion of fields
When a database is being used you might find it easy to accidently delete data which could mean a lot of stress if it is something which is very valuable. One main way to avoid this would be to make sure that back-ups are made of the data, so whatever the matter the data will not be completely lost. Back-ups can be stored on anything like a memory stick or an external hard drive basically anywhere you feel is most safe. However, if data is deleted it can be very time costly because it will take a long time to rebuild also it is annoying when data becomes deleted and if you don’t have a back-up then you will take a lot of your own time and effort to retype the data if it is not saved this is why it is best to always save your work to a secondary location for example to another device. The best way to stop accidental deletion of something important in a database is to set the database to only the designer can manipulate it, so this means that only the person who created it can change and delete things which is good so anyone using the database without authorisation cannot manipulate or delete anything and the database is only readable for the non authorised person which is good because they can’t delete anything out of the database so this way it is safer and no risk of deletion. Incorrect data types Incorrect data type issues can occur when an unmatched data type is used within the database. …show more content…
An example of this would be if a field called ‘fees’ in a table in the database, it will go wrong is a text value that is inserted instead of a numerical field value like two hundred instead of the numerical value of 200. This can be avoided as you can tell the database what to input so in this case you tell he database to only allow numerical values to be inputted within that field so this error won’t accrue again. You can do this by going into design view and changing the command from text to number so this will only allow you to input a number so the database in this case does all of the work for you. The database won’t allow anything inputted other than numbers which fixes the potential problems that might occur had it not been inforced. Renaming Incorrectly Renaming something or someone’s name incorrectly on a database can be a huge mistake to make I say huge because if it were to happen to be for a person’s bank account this could lead to a lot of complications this is because that person may not be allowed to enter that account, this is because they might be portending to be someone they are not which is classed as fraud and from this it can lead to arrest as it is a criminal offence. However, this might not be that persons fault who’s account it is. This is mostly done by a human error which could simply be a typo or the person inputting the name has simply misheard information. This means if the error isn’t spotted then it will not be sorted out and people won’t be able to use the account however this can be fixed by simply double checking the information given that is typed then and only then can they continue. Validation Validation