Many major insurance companies only cover a limited amount of outpatient theory sessions. Due to this, mental health patient is not receiving proper care due to high out of pocket costs. Many popular medications are not covered by insurance or the patient has an extremely high copayment. This causes the mental health patient not to receive the proper medication to treat their illness. Due to these two issues with insurance companies people aren’t getting the proper help that they need. Some people feel that they are unavailable. Meaning even if someone is interested in getting mental health treatment, they may not know how to find appropriate professional care. Also, people may feel like there are practical barriers. Another common barrier to mental health care is inability to pay for treatment due to financial hardship or lack of health insurance. Not having reliable transportation, child care issues and appointments for treatment that conflict with work or school schedules can also prevent someone from engaging in
Many major insurance companies only cover a limited amount of outpatient theory sessions. Due to this, mental health patient is not receiving proper care due to high out of pocket costs. Many popular medications are not covered by insurance or the patient has an extremely high copayment. This causes the mental health patient not to receive the proper medication to treat their illness. Due to these two issues with insurance companies people aren’t getting the proper help that they need. Some people feel that they are unavailable. Meaning even if someone is interested in getting mental health treatment, they may not know how to find appropriate professional care. Also, people may feel like there are practical barriers. Another common barrier to mental health care is inability to pay for treatment due to financial hardship or lack of health insurance. Not having reliable transportation, child care issues and appointments for treatment that conflict with work or school schedules can also prevent someone from engaging in