The loss of humanity is shown in the actions of the people who are affected. The journey to the camps begins in the cattle cars. In one of the cars, there is a woman, named Mrs. Schachter, who cries out and disturbs the other people. because she is having terrible visions of fire. After …show more content…
One day in the camps, Elie is doing his job when Frank notices his gold crown and demands, “If you don’t give me your crown, it will cost you much more!’ (55). This kind man has completely changed and now "his eyes were shining with greed” (55). Franek is a nice guy, but when he notices Elie has something of value, the need for survival and his loss of humanity makes him change. Franek is a friend of Elie’s but when Elie has something that he wants, Franek’s greed and selfishness make Elie just another person to control in order to get what he …show more content…
During one of the death marches a man, Rabbi Eliahu, loses his son. He went around searching for him asking people if they have seen him. Elie remembers that he had indeed seen the missing son but didn 't tell Rabbi Eliahu due to the fact, “his son had seen him losing ground, sliding back to the rear… And he had continued to run in front, letting the distance… become greater” (91). Elie knows the history between the father and son. Elie knows, “For three years, they had stayed close to one another… now-when the end seemed near-fate had separated them” (91). The son did not want to be with his father anymore, so he left him searching and begging for help. They had been together and they help each other in times of desperate needs. When people are stripped of humanity the word family and the word friends are lost. The son only wants survival and he no longer cares about his father he just wants what 's best for himself. In the concentration camps, humanity is one of the many things that is taken from a person. When there is no identity left and no real reason to live, people can get harsh and