n.d.). This means that its goal is to help reduce the opportunity for any type of crime to occur and achieved by employing physical designs features that will discourage crime (crimewise.com. n.d.). It also means that law enforcement officers, architects, city planners, landscape and interior designers, and resident volunteers can create a climate of safety in a community right from the start (ncpc.org. n.d.). Furthermore, its goal is to ensure that crime is prevent by designing a physical environment that positively influences human behavior. However, there is a theory that is used with CPTED and it is based off of four main principles such as natural access control, natural surveillance, territoriality, and maintenance (ncpc.org. n.d.). Therefore, this theory helps people put the CPTED into action in their community with the help of designing a hands-on, interactive, two-or three-day basic or advance training that is specifically tailored for their community’s needs (ncpc.org. n.d.). One of the ways CPTED could be applied is by helping the communities address neighborhoods that are plagued with abandoned properties and foreclosed homes in order to either sell them or knock them down for new ones (ncpc.org. n.d.). Once this is done it can then be used to get more or better lighting for the community, better landscaping in
n.d.). This means that its goal is to help reduce the opportunity for any type of crime to occur and achieved by employing physical designs features that will discourage crime (crimewise.com. n.d.). It also means that law enforcement officers, architects, city planners, landscape and interior designers, and resident volunteers can create a climate of safety in a community right from the start (ncpc.org. n.d.). Furthermore, its goal is to ensure that crime is prevent by designing a physical environment that positively influences human behavior. However, there is a theory that is used with CPTED and it is based off of four main principles such as natural access control, natural surveillance, territoriality, and maintenance (ncpc.org. n.d.). Therefore, this theory helps people put the CPTED into action in their community with the help of designing a hands-on, interactive, two-or three-day basic or advance training that is specifically tailored for their community’s needs (ncpc.org. n.d.). One of the ways CPTED could be applied is by helping the communities address neighborhoods that are plagued with abandoned properties and foreclosed homes in order to either sell them or knock them down for new ones (ncpc.org. n.d.). Once this is done it can then be used to get more or better lighting for the community, better landscaping in