• Jordan was in a good when QP arrived for the session.
• Jordan informed the QP he would like to include his mother, father, both of his sisters, and both sets of his grandparents.
• Jordan stated “I don’t get to see my dad a lot because he works at a body shop and works late a lot.”
• Jordan reported his father took his time with him over the weekend to hang out and chill together.
• Jordan focused on qualities for each family by starting with his mother who is dependable, his father is responsible, his older sister is assertive, his younger sister is sensitive, and all of his grandparents are lovable and generous to him.
• Jordan shrugged his shoulder about his relationship with his sister and …show more content…
• Jordan made minimal progress with stabilizing his mood, as indicated by Jordan identifying positive qualities for his family which should help deal with negative feelings he has about his mother and sister.
Goal 2: Jordan will prevent a crisis situation.
• Jordan’s mother shared does not have any allergies to any medication to her knowledge.
• Jordan’s mother informed the QP she feels like Jordan is more agitated on the medication and Jordan said he is tired.
• The medication manager suggested Jordan’s mother give the medicine to him at night instead of in the morning to reduce his restlessness; however, Jordan’s mother questioned how will he focus in school in the next day.
• The medication manger stated the medication will still be in his system the next day if he takes the medication at night.
• Jordan commented he gets angry because his sister takes his things then he has to run behind her then his older sister is laughing the entire time and instead of his mother getting on his sisters she gets on him which makes him angry, wants to fight them, and say mean