The results of the survey will allow me to examine characteristics of emerging adults (Body Mass Index, fitness levels, gender, psychological well-being, and social media behaviors) that contribute to negative (body dissatisfaction) and positive body …show more content…
Examination of specific individual characteristics and self-reported body image levels offers a new perspective. As the factors that contribute to positive and negative body image have not been explored conjointly, there is a need to understand what specific factors contribute to both constructs of body image and how these differ, in order to provide targeted interventions to increase positive and decrease negative body image. The results will also contribute to secondary school preventative programs for negative body image and to programs that foster positive body image. An understanding of the factors that contribute to levels of body image fit well in a positive psychology and preventative model. Additionally, identification of variables that predict or explain both positive and negative body image would simplify the literature and allow for future hypothesis …show more content…
Participants will be instructed not to provide their name but will be asked to provide a non-identifiable number of their choosing. The numeric identifier will only be used for data verification purposes. It will not be linked to any participant. The researcher will not know the identity of the participants. Results of this study will be presented in group form only (e.g. averages). Only the researcher and the research advisor will examine individual responses and have access to the Qualtrics survey. The survey responses will be downloaded and saved to an excel document on a private laptop computer where a password, known only to the researcher will be required to access the data. The Qualtrics account will only be accessible to the research and will require a password known only to the researcher. Both the Excel and Qualtrics data will be destroyed in three