The changing field of healthcare with technology and patient advocacy also bring forth the matter of good decision making. Studies have shown that innovative nurse leaders need to pose the ability to make good decisions quickly in order to keep pace with changes and for business to succeed. The article Make better decisions by Davenport( 2011) provides steps for leaders to follow to become better at decision making. Steps such as listing and prioritizing, assess, developing and implementing the decision made. While using these steps, the authors also explained that great leaders surround themselves with employees and stakeholders who have expertise in the subject to make better decisions. Leaders should also not fear those who disagree with their decision but work to understand why these opinions exist. …show more content…
Great leaders know that the ability to make a decision does not always result in success but how that failure is dealt with shows leadership. The importance of critical thinking and decision making is further illustrated by the stories of new nurses who enter the workforce and are more prone to bad decision making than a senior nurse. According to the article The novice nurse and clinical decision-making: how to avoid errors. by Saintsing, bad decision making regarding new nurse usually occur in the areas of medication, patient falls and delay in care causing more complex issues. Other factors such as interruptions and technology have also been suggested as environmental factors that can cause bad decision making(Hedberg, 2013; Davenport, 2011). The article concludes that improvement in decision making also improves patient outcome, help retain nurse and decrease liability to the organization. Good nurse leaders should be aware of such problems to help improve critical thinking and decision making in self, employees, and stakeholders. Organizational Climate and Culture As a nurse leader or manager, the organizational climate and culture that is created and fostered will have an impact on how your leadership is perceived. The culture of an organization's atmosphere that is lived by its employee and shareholders is also known as its climate. As an innovative leader, The goal is to create a culture and climate where stakeholders have a common belief system among them. Study and literature show that when great leaders create a positive positive organizational climate and culture, such as a care delivery model that are patient-centered provides a guide to nurses of the nursing culture of an organization. Such practices According to Linda Olson’s article Ethical climate in healthcare organizations provide nurses the opportunity to report an error and contribute their voices to policies, which is important to have as a nurse leader. A good leader who creates a positive organizational climate and culture for stakeholders and employee creates an environment where High-quality health care delivery, good communication and collaboration between providers, patients and their families exist. According to Mrayyan article Hospital organizational climates and nurses' intent to stay: differences between units and wards, Good nurse leaders can create a positive climate by providing nurses with autonomy, increasing salary, having shared governances and being present as a leader in the organization (Mrayyan). Another study by Green called Leadership, Organizational Climate, and Working Alliance in a Children’s Mental Health Service System concluded that improved