Jessica Dias
To work in healthcare is a challenging task. There is minimal reward and a constant need to provide a work-life balance and know limitations even when the lines of boundaries are not clear. To put into words the ethical responsibilities that, as nurses we face regularly and to feel as though we are united is a rewarding feeling. To work in an industry that shows such compassion without judgement and provides the highest level of customer service then put into words the dilemmas faced is a comforting feeling. I have chosen to analyze Provision 5 of the Code of Ethics that states “The nurse owes the same duty self as to others including the responsibility to promote health and …show more content…
Compassion Fatigue and Statistics
a. Reasons for Compassion Fatigue
b. Ways to address Compassion Fatigue
c. What Ethical Issues Arise with Compassion Fatigue
II. Where to find resources regarding Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
The first meeting held in 1896, now more than 100 years later the ANA has grown with the amount of services and the number of nurses served (Nursing World, n.d.). The ANA has a goal of moving the nursing role forward (Nursing World, n.d.). To accomplish this goal the ANA has established a set of guidelines for the RN to follow (Nursing World, n.d.).
Code of Ethics
I. What is the purpose of the code of ethics
II. RN? NP? Are there different codes for different professions?
III. Why is it …show more content…
Provision three from the ANA first, I am an advocate I speak on behalf of the patient at all times, even when my advocating may not be welcomed by other healthcare professionals. My duty is to my patient first. Provision one from the ANA starts the moment I walk through the doors of any healthcare agency. I do not discriminate in any way and I promise to treat each patient with respect and dignity while encouraging well-being and balance regardless of any background. Provision five describes the importance of work-life balance and the necessity to achieve this. Nurse burnout and compassion fatigue result from nurses unable to provide a balance and thus this provision becomes more important. Lastly, Provision seven, which discusses the importance of evolving in the healthcare profession, is on my list of importance. I found this provision to include my ability to advocate for others. This provision also includes the aspect of enhancing education. As a licensed professional, education is my responsibility and I strive to be an exemplary employee by raising the expectations and furthering my education even when not required. I never want to give up the ability to