An example of this is, a physician may ask a nurse to withhold information on a patient’s health status until further tests are done. Sometimes, a family member may request the health care professionals to not divulge to their loved one how aggressive their disease is. A palliative setting is defined as an environment where an individual with a severe life-threatening disease or aggressive diseases, are helped with decisions about end of life care (Erichsen, Danielsson, Friedrichsen, 2010). Health care professionals are faced with many ethical dilemmas especially when the family members of the patient disagree with how their loved one should be cared for; the disagreement of stopping a certain treatment, withholding fluids and nutrition, the signing of a “do not resuscitate” form, the administration of pain medication, disclosing their diagnosis and prognosis etc. (McCabe & Coyle, 2014). Situations like these, become a problem because it affects bioethical principals such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, fidelity and veracity. Disclosure of
An example of this is, a physician may ask a nurse to withhold information on a patient’s health status until further tests are done. Sometimes, a family member may request the health care professionals to not divulge to their loved one how aggressive their disease is. A palliative setting is defined as an environment where an individual with a severe life-threatening disease or aggressive diseases, are helped with decisions about end of life care (Erichsen, Danielsson, Friedrichsen, 2010). Health care professionals are faced with many ethical dilemmas especially when the family members of the patient disagree with how their loved one should be cared for; the disagreement of stopping a certain treatment, withholding fluids and nutrition, the signing of a “do not resuscitate” form, the administration of pain medication, disclosing their diagnosis and prognosis etc. (McCabe & Coyle, 2014). Situations like these, become a problem because it affects bioethical principals such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, fidelity and veracity. Disclosure of