Goodman, H. A. "Illegal Immigrants Benefit the U.S. Economy." TheHill. N.p., 23 Apr. 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.
This Article provides information on the benefits of illegal immigrants to the u.s economy, as well as certain …show more content…
"The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration." WSJ. Wall Street Journal, 9 Feb. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. According to this article, there are different views from both the democrats and republicans. I learned that the candidates for presidency have ideas on how they want to deal with illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton of the Democrat party intends to legalize illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and allow them to become citizens. Hillary Clinton also intends to continue to uphold the immigration policies of President Barack Obama. On the other hand, Presidential candidate Donald Trump who is running on the Republican ticket seem to have a more somewhat harsher way of dealing with illegal immigration. Trump intends to deport all illegal immigrants, as well as have a wall built. This would be a great source for my essay because it the prediction of presidential candidates. This helps give a larger perspective on such a controversial l