He presented these ideas without giving support to Jesus actually going to Hell. This support is necessary since there is not much known support, outside of the line in the Apostles’ Creed, at the moment. Williams wrote, “the descent clause does not rightly belong to the Creed” (89). So, the whole basis of his argument does not have merit. Furthermore, Hell does not even exist yet: in the terms that humans can presently occupy it. Kyrtatas believes that only at the final judgement can humans enter into Hell (287). Since Hell is presently unoccupied, as it was during Jesus’ death, Jesus would not have entered into it to redeem those
He presented these ideas without giving support to Jesus actually going to Hell. This support is necessary since there is not much known support, outside of the line in the Apostles’ Creed, at the moment. Williams wrote, “the descent clause does not rightly belong to the Creed” (89). So, the whole basis of his argument does not have merit. Furthermore, Hell does not even exist yet: in the terms that humans can presently occupy it. Kyrtatas believes that only at the final judgement can humans enter into Hell (287). Since Hell is presently unoccupied, as it was during Jesus’ death, Jesus would not have entered into it to redeem those