“During this event, we had encountered many patients who had heard about strokes but couldn't describe what it really was. They were pointing to their heart when we had asked what part of the body do strokes mainly affect. Over the course of the event, patients shared their stories about how loved ones have had strokes …show more content…
Some people did not have a family history of diabetes while other had close family members with diabetes or had family members pass awaydue to complications from diabetes. Most patients knew that diabetes was due to high blood sugars but had some misconceptions of what the symptoms were. So it felt good to be able to clear up their misconceptions and teach them what to look out for. We also gave information to patients about glucometers and told them it is a very useful tool and anyone with Medicare Part B could obtain supplies with little to no cost. The event was an overall success with the many people we were able to impact.”
— Ashley Kwan
“The Remember the Ribbon Initiative provided education about what HIV is, how HIV progresses to AIDS, the various ways HIV is and is not transmitted, and HIV prevention. This health fair was a unique opportunity in which a large Spanish speaking population was present, and RTR was ready with brochures in English and Spanish. Although the RTR co-chair present had a limited level of fluency in Spanish, she was able to still educate these patients on what HIV is, how to prevent it, and where free and low cost HIV testing centers are located.”
— Erica