[It’s important to note that burns, animal bites and non-sterile injection of drugs can also lead to an infection with Clostridium tetani. Also, tetanus is not contagious and therefore cannot be acquired from someone who has it.]
Symptoms of Tetanus
The first signs of …show more content…
Your doctor also has the ability to give the tetanus toxoid in combination with the diphtheria vaccine alone in both the adult (Td) and pediatric (DT) formulations.
Infants are typically given the DTaP vaccine in a schedule of 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 15-18 months of age. Another dose should then be given between the ages of 4 to 6 years. After that, booster shots are recommended every ten years because the levels of antitoxin in the body decrease over time.
When Do You Need to get a Tetanus Shot?
Most adults never bother to keep up with their tetanus boosters. And then they sustain some kind of injury and suddenly realize they need to get a tetanus shot and quick!
Here are some things to consider that will help you determine whether you need to get a tetanus shot:
A Contaminated Wound
It’s one thing to slice your finger while cutting a bagel in your clean kitchen, it’s another thing to walk barefoot through the park and suddenly slice your foot on a dirty piece of broken glass. Any wound that is visibly contaminated with dirt, dust, soil, or animal feces will require a tetanus shot for