Since they have very little competition they are able to drive up prices. University’s should buy textbooks and loan them out to students. Students should pay a renters fee at the beging of the semester, and should have the choice to buy or return the book at the end. This would save both the university, and student, time, and money. Another thing university’s should do is use open source textbooks. Open source are online textbooks similar to Cengage. With no production value, open source textbooks are a lot cheaper, many are free and you can access them from any computer. According to a report by US NEWS, if every student at the University of Wisconsin used just one open source book instead of a textbook, it would generate over 6 million in savings in just one year. Imagine how much students would save if every university switched to open source books. According to C. Edward Watson, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia said “the imperfect free textbook is better than the imperfect expensive textbook,". This will also help with the Buy Back situation. When students return a textbook they only get about 50% value back if that even. With open source there would be nothing to return since it’s free, saving the university and students money. While what the university
Since they have very little competition they are able to drive up prices. University’s should buy textbooks and loan them out to students. Students should pay a renters fee at the beging of the semester, and should have the choice to buy or return the book at the end. This would save both the university, and student, time, and money. Another thing university’s should do is use open source textbooks. Open source are online textbooks similar to Cengage. With no production value, open source textbooks are a lot cheaper, many are free and you can access them from any computer. According to a report by US NEWS, if every student at the University of Wisconsin used just one open source book instead of a textbook, it would generate over 6 million in savings in just one year. Imagine how much students would save if every university switched to open source books. According to C. Edward Watson, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia said “the imperfect free textbook is better than the imperfect expensive textbook,". This will also help with the Buy Back situation. When students return a textbook they only get about 50% value back if that even. With open source there would be nothing to return since it’s free, saving the university and students money. While what the university