An organisation can be considered one large group within itself, however it consists of several sub-groups that have their own specific ways or purpose. People can be drawn into groups so that the can be in a more intimate environment where individual contributions and accomplishments are noticed, relationships can be developed, and problems and responsibilities can be shared. The two groups in an organization are the Informal and Formal groups. Informal groups are groups of people that are not related to a specific task. Members of informal groups don’t necessarily have to work in the same department or on the same floor. Informal groups of people will often meet outside of the workplace such as during smoking breaks, as well as within such as on the same floor or anywhere in the premises of the organization, it as they are mostly related to group and individual satisfaction. Formal groups are groups put together by the organisation, which usually have a specific function and structure that they are responsible for. Formal groups are task oriented and form teams, they often include a group leader that may be assigned either by the group or the organisation. An example of a group I was involved in was for a General Electrics Workshop. We were recognized as a group because my team members and I were all representing our company in another company’s workshop. This group was a formal group because we were sent to the workshop to complete a certain task that was led by our team leader at that time. In 2001 Tuckman stated that there are stages in which …show more content…
Forming, storming, norming and finally performing are the names of the stages that they came to a conclusion with. Forming is basically the stage where group members get to know each other. In this stage the group’s purpose, members and organisation are being established. This stage is usually fast paced and can be formed easily. Storming, the second stage, involves open debates. Storming brings out team members individual ideas and visions, which potentially cause a lot of conflict and disagreement as well as creativity. Norming, the third stage, is a stage of settling down. Norms and procedures start to be set and strategic working maybe introduced and maintained. Comfort, knowledge and agreement is usually the final outcome of this stage. Finally performing, the last stage is the stage where the group concentrates on the task at hand. Difficulties of growth and development are no longer an issue in this …show more content…
An effective team is one that achieves its task objectives and maintains co-operative working through satisfaction and interrelationships of its members. There are many factors that contribute to effective teamwork such as, members’ motivation, processes, procedure and the style in which they act or get tasks done. A lot of these factors lead to other factors that contribute to effective or ineffective teamwork can be recognized as quantifiable or qualitative. Qualitative factors are factors that can be observed but are not easily measure, while quantifiable factors are factors that can be numerically