As earlier mentioned that this research will explore scholarships on race issues from the U.S. higher education contexts; therefore, I will borrow a Critical Race Theory in education framework and apply to examine caste-based discrimination in Indian higher education contexts. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an interdisciplinary research framework to study the role of race and pervasiveness of racism in American society. CRT is extensively explored in educational research and studies have established that race and racism are prevalent and systemic in structural and cultural aspects of the U.S. CRT challenges the dominant ideology such as meritocracy, color blindness, race neutrality and equal opportunity in higher education (Delgado, 1995a; Solórzano 1997; Taylor, 2000; Solórzano & Yosso, 2002). Therefore, the research will explore CRT to study lived experiences …show more content…
CRT in education is challenging the traditional frameworks, methods, texts and discourse on race, gender, and class; further, it seeks to transform those cultural and institutional features of education that oppress the people of color in and out of the classroom. Therefore, the research will apply critical race theory to find answers of critical issues regarding casteism and subordination of the Dalit students in Indian higher education. CRT framework in education enables the research to focus on three areas of study; application of microaggression theory (Sue et al., 2007) to examine caste-based discrimination, diversity research to study campus climate issues, and institutional support to lower caste