The main concern most individuals have when looking into a higher education is money. The fact of life is that money is essential to get by and to stay living the way you want, without money life can get very difficult. Some people may not need as much money as others, but everyone needs some amount of money. When selecting a career a student should look for something that interests them, as well as pays a sufficient amount. In almost every instance college graduates will be able to make more money than those who have only completed (or that have not completed) high school. There are those that will argue that there are many jobs where a high school graduate or drop-out can make a higher salary than a college graduate, but it all depends on what career choice a student makes. Andrew Rossi, an acclaimed documentary film director recently created a documentary about the rising costs of a college education, he said, ”A college degree is still the key to many jobs. And it’s at the root of this really important statistic: Those who have a B.A. earn, over their lifetime, $1 million more than those who have only a high school diploma.” (O 'Hara). This is an incredible fact and one of many reasons why a college education is still worth the money. Those who drop-out of high school are very unlikely to find a lot of success in their lifetime, those who graduate high school will have an increased chance for success, but those who graduate college have the chance to receive opportunities for great jobs that will pay well too. …show more content…
Most businesses today still look for employees that have a bachelor’s or higher in a field that is pertaining and useful to their company. This being said, some careers will even require a college degree, and will be impossible to work in without one. Some major examples of this are nursing, teaching, and some forms of higher-skilled engineering, these careers will require a college degree and some will even require a continual form of education to stay employed. Those who go into these more complex careers will generally be more successful because they can get jobs in many states if they would need to move (there are obviously some exceptions when it comes to certain state policies). Individuals opposed to spending money on college might think that college is unnecessary to become successful, but nowhere did I say high school dropouts or high school graduates had no chance of success. It all depends on the person and the choices they decide to make after high school. Even though college graduates make more money and are more successful than high school dropouts and high school graduates, many may still be worried about attending college. What comes after college depends on how you carried yourself throughout your entire college experience. Many are lucky and land a job quickly after graduation or even before they graduate. Other students will have to search for a few weeks, months, or maybe even a year. There are also students who won’t have the motivation to even look for a job and they will fall into an endless cycle of debt and poverty. It truly depends on how you handle yourself, and how professional and experienced you seem as an individual. If you put yourself out in the open for employers to find you, you are a million times more likely to find a job than those who don’t. CNN states, “From the arrival