By being in an art class or a fine arts program, grades in other classes, like math, reading, and science, improves greatly due to better focus and concentration. To play an instrument takes lots of focus, and those focusing skills can be applied to other classes, and it relieves stress to help with concentration in classes like reading, math, and science. By having better focusing and concentration skills, students can pay better attention in class and do better on test scores and homework assignments. The article Importance of Early Arts Education states that “children who participate in a substantial arts program are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement in math, reading, and increased SAT scores; and three times more likely to be awarded for school attendance”. Not only were test scores higher for students that were in art classes, but these students actually wanted to come to school more; because in an art class, a student can not only socialize with friends, but can find new ways to create and express themselves. Having excellent focus in class is important, but a way to make class more enthusiastic is to add art to the boring …show more content…
Due to budget cuts, the first programs to normally be cut are the arts due to an ever-growing list of state-mandated curriculums (Smith). Because of financial constraints, art classes have been disappearing since they are not considered as important as other classes, “’When you think about the purposes of education, there are three’, Horne says. ‘We’re preparing kids for jobs. We’re preparing them to be citizens. And we’re teaching them to be human beings who can enjoy the deeper forms of beauty. The third is just as important as the other two’” (Smith). Education is not just about math, science, or English, it is also about students expressing themselves and appreciating the natural beauty of the world. Not only can they appreciate beauty that they see, but they can also create their own beauty, however they portray it; whether it is through music, acting singing, drawing, sculpting, painting, or whatever else they can think of. The wonderful thing about art is, there are no rules, boundaries, or limits as to what someone could do; except for the ones they place on themselves, or others place on