Essay About Moving Alone

Superior Essays
As a child, moving every other year can be difficult. Never staying at the same school for longer than two years in a row is rough. Every year it was the same story. Dad would get transferred to a new Marines base. All of us would have to pack up and move. That meant another new school, meeting new people all over again, and another new home to get used to being at. Still being in elementary school, this was hard to comprehend. Becoming terrified to make new friends made going through schools harder. Never knowing when we would have to pack up and leave again made the fear of finding another best friend and then losing them worse. As the years moved on and the moving settled down, the constant fear of never knowing about moving again still …show more content…
Alcoholic Anonymous meetings generally bring up the quote “If you hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later you’re gonna get a haircut” (Crewe, 1974, p. 65). Rob would always tell his students this quote during the morning class. This meaningful quote stuck in our minds throughout the years. If someone surrounds himself with people whom may make poor choices, they will eventually begin to make the same poor decisions the influence makes. As friends surround themselves with each other more often, they begin to repeat sayings from each other. Think of it as being around a grandparent for long periods of time every week. I begin to notice little sayings, such as “Every choice has a consequence.”, coming from my own mouth when talking to someone about a problem, just as my grandparents had said. Having a positive influence during life can make an impact. Better choices would be made and attitudes would …show more content…
A very close friend, Hunter, was a victim of a drunk driving accident. It was the day after his nineteenth birthday. Hunter and his older brother were coming home from another Friday night football game. It was getting late, so the boys took the town roads home. Out of nowhere, a truck was in their sight driving straight towards them. The teenage boys never thought this would happen to them. Always careful and responsible about his decisions, Hunter knew there was no way out of this one. The truck forcefully slammed into the small car. Three days of being in a coma, the plugs were pulled. Vents were removed and Hunter was officially declared gone. The driver’s choice of drinking and driving cost another person their life. “Every choice has a consequence- whether good or bad” (Glassman, 2008, p. 44). This horrific decision changed the course of life for the young football player, along with the driver. A life lost and another now in prison, the choice is permanent. The choices made by one person can affect and change the lives of everyone

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