Analyzing clients must be done in the most proper and formal way possible in the counseling field. Going deep into the clients past, present and future is the biggest necessity that should be done to get properly counseled. The best guideline to follow for the person’s background is Erickson’s psychosocial theory. Erickson lays out eight developmental stages that will help form the best analysis of any client that walks into our practice. Erik Erickson recognized Freud’s psychosexual theory, but realized Freud was misjudging the more important decisions of the human development (Sharkey, 1997).
Identifying Information There is one person in particular that will be going through the past; present and future break down through …show more content…
After hitting an amazing pitch and took off running, he tripped and broke his leg. Needing to go to the hospital to get his leg taken care of, his friend rushed him to the hospital in his 1977 Ford Camaro. The medical assistant that helped him into the hospital and supplied everything that was needed for him, was the girl he never thought he would marry. After dating for a couple of years and engaging in activities they decided to get married on August 25th, 1979.
In June of 1981 he began his family with bearing a daughter. 7 years later (January 1988) he and his wife beard their second child. January 1992, that family added one more addition to their family tree. Mr. Sample brought his three kids up in El Paso and tried to make sure they were able to get everything they needed. John Sample works with the Texas Department of Transportation and is still happily married with his 3 wonderful children. 3 wonderful children that will help him the seventh stage of Erickson’s psychosocial theory. He plans on retiring in the next two years to start the last section of his book.
Developmental …show more content…
Generativity versus stagnation is where the adults need to create or nurture the things that will outlast them, often by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people (, 2014). The success will give a feeling of usefulness and accomplishment. Santrock (2011) defines generativity when the adults’ desires are to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation. For Sample, he displays both definitions from Santrock and perfectly with his work. Complying with the state safety regulations for highways and other construction is leaving his legacy behind for others to enjoy. Earning his paycheck to help better his kids’ life by sending them to college to further their education is leaving the legacy behind for his kids and his kids’ families.
Leisure is defined as the pleasant times after work when individuals are free to pursue activities and interests of their own choosing (Santrock, 2011, p.493). There is some sadness within Mr. Sample when it comes to the retiring. Sample believes majority of the money will be going towards the mortgage, tuition, and medical bills; instead of being able to go out and travel with his wife. Not being able to take his leisure time might be the biggest regret he will make. According to a study that Santrock (2011) provides, not taking any leisure time is one of six biggest regrets in middle