Given that analysis, how could you make the proposed reward system work better?
One of the major issues present in Cooper’s solution is employees must feel that the level of effort they put into their job will result in reaching their performance goals. While the monetary reward is enticing, without proper training, the order processing clerks will find difficulty attaining their goals, and will not be motivated if they feel they lack sufficient knowledge to drive performance based on their efforts. The primary issue the plumbers and plumbers assistants face is related to the misallocation of resources to jobs. Since this is not an activity they even contribute to, their customer service performance cannot directly be attributed to their efforts. Furthermore, the billing representatives are completely ignored in this compensation scheme. This will create a substantial decrease in motivation for these employees once they witness their co-workers being compensated for their efforts and they are …show more content…
Describe how you could help employees feel more satisfied with their work by redesigning their jobs. Be specific as to your suggested redesign(s) and be sure to explain your rationale behind each redesigned job.
One of the major issues present in the job design at DrainGo is extremely low employee autonomy, where no one is responsible, or even aware of their contributions to the other processes; each individual is a cog in the machine with very little understanding of what the other cogs do. The order processors are assigned the task of assigning workers to customer, and they have limited depth of knowledge of the questions they are told to ask the customers and are unfamiliar with the terms. The plumbers and plumber’s assistants are forced to handle customers that are angry over rescheduling or high fees resulting from improperly dispatched jobs. If the order processer assigns a job to a plumber’s assistant that requires greater technical expertise, they must reschedule a plumber to do the work, or if a plumber is assigned to a menial job that a plumber’s assistant could handle. The billing representatives are then forced to deal with these angry customers, who were not involved in any of the prior processes, and lack even a basic understanding of the work