I am expected to smile and be friendly to every customer that I help. It can be so hard because there are so many rude customers at my store. There are some days where I cannot handle being nice to some people. It becomes draining to always smile and act courteous. I try so hard to not give attitude to rude customers. It is always nice when regular customers come in the store that I know are nice. It makes me want to be nice and converse with them. I also deal with coworkers whom I do not like. This is harder than dealing with rude customers because I see my coworkers my whole shift. I have learned to be cordial with them. Emotional labor can be hard to deal with, but it gets easier to deal with after a
I am expected to smile and be friendly to every customer that I help. It can be so hard because there are so many rude customers at my store. There are some days where I cannot handle being nice to some people. It becomes draining to always smile and act courteous. I try so hard to not give attitude to rude customers. It is always nice when regular customers come in the store that I know are nice. It makes me want to be nice and converse with them. I also deal with coworkers whom I do not like. This is harder than dealing with rude customers because I see my coworkers my whole shift. I have learned to be cordial with them. Emotional labor can be hard to deal with, but it gets easier to deal with after a