We met up at the cliff and at seven in the morning and Noah exclaimed. “No se ve bien, no good.”
Emiliano sighed and said that we should go check Zicatela, One of Puerto’s most famous and well known breaks. We hoped on Emiliano’s pale pink, crusty hippy van and headed south to the infamous Zicatela. After a bumpy ten minute car ride on the coastal highway we got to Zicatela’s crowded parking area. The spot was so crowded that it could be easily confused by time square; huge masses of people rushing up and down with their shiny fiberglass boards paddling into the water while the sun slowly rose. In the parking lot I spotted two great friends of ours, Tanaig and Julian. Tanaig, still dry, stated “Iv’e een’ watching the last couple sets and it’s way to crowded.” We all agreed and thought that we would just not surf that day, but Julian out of nowhere said in an eager voice. “How about we search…?” Noah stated in an almost discriminatory voice “What have you been smoking? We’ve searched up and down the coast and have never found anything”. Deep inside I thought it was a great idea and I could tell everyone else wanted to dig for gold as much as I Julian and I