If flying was the dream, then what awaited me at the landing was waking up and realizing closing your eyes will not send you into the same dream. As soon as I got out of the plane, I was hit by the realization I had just flown over four different countries, seen the world from a bird’s point of view and landed whole different country all within the space of five hours. My mom and I somehow did not get confused when trying to get to the arrivals room. I spotted one of my uncles, I did not even know his name and I only knew him through pictures. Suddenly more of my relatives appeared from the crowd, and the aunt and uncle I was supposed to live with made their …show more content…
Had I not been for the fact that my instincts turned out to be correct about them, I would have probably said that those who told me not to judge were correct. I guess this goes to show that it is actually important to trust one’s intuition when it comes to facing new challenges. Intuition is, after all, important for human survival, as it can keep us from doing stuff that is rather risky or that might be unnecessary. At the end of the day, following my gut instinct could only bring me benefits, and making assumptions about how good or bad a situation can go is just natural to all people. Maybe allowing myself to have some distrust of strangers is not that much of a bad approach to new situations, and maybe it would be better if people limit my hopes and keep them at a reasonable level they might save themselves from many