This will destroy the future of this kid while it may prolong and reach their futures in which they will never find good jobs; therefore, it will lead to financial problems, poverty, and homelessness.
Mental disorder stigma affects not only the patients themselves. In the first two effects, we talked about how stigma affects directly people with mental disorder’s life. However, we should take into consideration its major effects on the surrounding of these people. Not only people who have the mental illness experience discrimination, those people’s family and friends have their portion. Mental disorder stigma makes the relatives of the mental disorder people feel ashamed and wish to not have any relation with the patient. One patient was interviewed for a discussion paper about Discrimination Against Mental Health Consumers in Lebanon said: “My young brother was told I was in jail. The jail wasn’t seen to be as bad as a psychiatric hospital. I’ve never been to jail.” (Mental Health Commission, 1997). Because of stigma, it becomes common that family