Criminals have always been part of society. As far back as the code of Hammurabi, written approximately 1680 B.C.E. civilization has made laws to govern men (Code, 2013). Why? Because, according to written records, crime has been with society as long as man has been civilized. There is no way to know for sure, but crime was probably around during the caveman era. Laws ensure that men can live together and prosper.
Criminals have always used the tools at hand, such as clubs and pointed spears in early times. It is only natural that criminals would gravitate towards computers and the Internet for their crimes in the modern era. Over time, criminals have become more sophisticated, and so …show more content…
A group of teenage boys hired by Bell Telephone to run the switchboards misdirected or disconnected phone calls. They were not called hackers, but their actions were considered a practical joke. They were, obviously, fired (Trigaux, 2000). The earliest instance of genuine computer hacking occurred in the 1960s. The next instances of cybercrime could be traced back to the practice of ‘phreaking’, which was hacking into telecommunication systems for the purpose of getting free phone calls. It began in the late 1950s and continued into the 1960s. They built devices called blue, black, and red boxes which allowed them to explore the network, make free phone calls, and even use them to ‘wiretap’ people (Acker, 2009). They used phone codes and tones to manipulate the telecommunication lines. In 1969 work began on ARPAnet, the grandfather of the Internet (Bellis, 2016). This opened the door to the beginnings of cybercrime.
At first, the term ‘hacker’ stood for a highly skilled person who could make a computer do more than it was originally programmed to do. A ‘hack’ was a programming shortcut, and one of the most famous ones was created in 1969 by Bell Laboratories employees Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, and it was called UNIX. The first major hack occurred in 1971 by a man named John Draper. It was actually called ‘phreaking’, and it was the turning point at which ‘hacking’ …show more content…
Police agencies are having their officers take training classes in order for them to combat this threat. With the understanding of the technology comes the ability to investigate the crimes properly (South University Online, 2016). Cybercrime is here to stay, and the only way to combat it is by having well-trained officers. It should be a requirement for all new recruits that they either have a degree in some area of Information Technology, as well as Criminal Justice. For veteran officers, special training classes must be mandated. Everything is becoming computerized, and the police forces should be too. Law enforcement can keep up with ever changing cybercrimes, but it will take time and