By:Abigail phelps
Champlin Park High School
Introduction to effects of Adhd My sister has Adhd, so it’s easy for her to relate to a lot of the things I'm going to explain in my paper. It wasn’t easy for her, growing up. It still isn't easy and she is in 8th grade. She doesn't have a lot of friends, she gets in trouble a lot, and she even has to go to two different schools per day to get more help. Many days she feels like she doesn’t want to go to school, or even get up for that matter. Academically she has low performance skills and doesn’t focus well in class. Emotionally everyone around her has a great impact on her life. Most people say and act negatively …show more content…
Individuals with Adhd often have more social, emotional and problems with making and keeping friends. Individuals with Adhd often experience social problems, rejection from others and peers, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Negative outcomes such as; words and actions, cause emotional pain and suffering (Kristin Stanberry). People with Adhd often have low self esteem, these are some of the effects : constantly say negative things about themselves or about others , they believe that no one will help them and that they're all alone , they may not volunteer during class because they might get made fun of, try to be perfect all the time , they always need acceptance from others and family members, have trouble making decisions, they instantly defend themselves, and are most likely to be submitted to peer pressure (Richard D. Lavoie). Many adults with Adhd have a difficult time expressing their feelings. Common emotional symptoms of adult Adhd include: sense of underachievement, easily flustered and stressed out, mood swings, some may have trouble staying motivated to to work or school , they have a low self-esteem and a sense of insecurity. The symptoms of Adhd can cause many health problems, including eating too much, anxiety, and chronic stress and tension. When growing up, negativity in a child who has Adhd can cause emotional problems well into their future (Melinda …show more content…
The first category is that approximately a quarter of Adhd students are able to have normal controls of their actions. The second category is that more than 50% seem to act they same way as they did when they were younger. The third category is that less than a quarter develop major problems physically and mentally. We can do something about how kids with Adhd feel academically. We can boost their self confidence and we can offer extra help/slow pace classes. We can also help socially, what if everyone tried to help them to fit in? If we help them fit in, there would be less low self esteem and harm to themselves. Emotionally we can help with confidence levels and all the negativity in their lives. If we all pitched in, it would make a difference in the way other people see them and how other people treat