Burmese Pythons by Daniel Shepard Burmese pythons are negatively impacting Florida’s everglades. Andrew Ng senator Bill nelson brought a 16 foot Burmese pythons snakeskin to a meeting. Burmese pythons are just trying to find a new place to live so you do not need to kill them.…
Also, page 44 paragraph 2 it states, “the pythons unique hinged jaws allow it to swallow an object five times as wide as its own head.” These giant pythons can demolish almost anything. The bigger the snake the bigger the meal. Secondly, people are having trouble finding…
Another quote describes the size of the Burmese python's prey, “The python’s unique hinged jaws allow it to swallow an object five times as wide as its own head.” The quote depicts the size of the animals that the Burmese python eats due to its hinged jaw. Due to the inhabitation of the Burmese python, local animals, unfamiliar with this new creature, are being hunted while these python’s thrive in their new climate. This is explained in a newspaper article saying, “With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of possums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as multiple bird species.” This describes how Burmese pythons are eating animals unaware of their techniques, and, therefore, more subdued as prey.…
Most people can barely handle a large dog, but imagine a twenty-three-foot snake that weighs about two hundred pounds. That’s is as big as a telephone pole. According to Source one, they are “native to grassy marshes in Southeast Asia,” and they thrive in the humid temperatures that make up the Florida Everglades. These colossal creatures are causing major damage to Florida’s ecosystem. The text states in source one that civilians are turning the snakes back into the wild, which is one of the worst things you can do for your unwanted pet.…
WildEarth Guardians have been very outspoken in opposition to the predator management plan even going so far as to sue CPW for what they believe is a violation of amendment 14 of Colorado constitution (Wilcox 2017). WildEarth Guardians have stated too that if CPW really wanted to help boost Mule deer numbers they should have stopped the 15,000 new oil and gas developments in Mule deer territory (Finley 2016). The WildEarth Guardians have also been concerned that Wildlife Services, a group within the USDA that will be brought in to handle the trapping and other removal of predators, won’t treat the animals ethically (Wilcox 2017). They’ve stated that what they really want is for CPW to not disregard their citizens’ desires and to treat the local…
How are the Burmese Pythons changing the Everglades? Well first of all ,imagine walking outside and seeing a big brown snake slithering across your yard, YIKES! The Burmese python is affecting the Everglades in a negative matter. They are overpopulating the land.…
This snake is destroying your home and you don’t even know it and it’s right there. The Burmese Python, this python is over throwing the Everglades of Florida. This snake could kill you hometown. The Burmese Python is changing the people in Florida.…
How Burmese pythons are changing Florida’s Everglades By: Daisja Mckinney The presence of the Burmese python is negatively impacting Florida’s everglades. According to the news article by Andrew Ng, Senator Bill Nelson brought a 16-foot Burmese python snake skin to a meeting to prove how much of a threat the pythons are!…
It attacked goats, and has attacked livestock all over North and South America. The worst thing its done was in the year of 1995, in the winter. It was in 3 months in Canvas, and in Puerto Rico. 69 chickens, goats, and ducks were also killed in "chupacabra-style". There were 69 chickens, goats, and ducks killed, they say, yet they don't have proof.…
The enormity of these snakes is astounding length up to twenty-two feet and two hundred pounds. When killing its pray they squeeze until the animal dies and they swallow it Whole. Pythons have strong an intense coil that allow it to have a robust and a powerful grip. People…
Meaning that the population of these snakes has taken over so much that back in 2013 the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission started its 1st ever Python Challenge to shrink the population of the snakes. Source 2 “Florida’s Python Hunt” Lines 25-37 it states “... Python Challenge. Open to the public from January 12th to February 10th, the challenge is to hunt and kill Burmese Pythons, with a grand prize of $1500 awarded to the hunter who kills the most pythons, and another $1000 to the hunter who bags the longest one.”…
Even those animals that manage to survive in the process of testing are going to spend the rest of their lives in captivity. There is no excuse for such a…
The Animal Welfare Act has many loopholes and is, moreover, a weak legislation. Surprisingly, rats, mice, birds and cold-blooded creatures, which make up nearly 99% of tested animals in the US, are unprotected by the Animal Welfare Act, according to statistics from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Furthermore, the legislation does not completely protect the included animals from abusive practices, because these federal laws are not well-enforced. In 2012 and 2013, the USDA found the Yerkes Primate Center non-compliant on the negligent deaths of three monkeys. In a routine inspection on July 19, 2012, the USDA investigated the death of two monkeys who suffered fatal wounds after being placed in the incorrect enclosure and another monkey euthanized after a rubber band became embedded in the monkey’s wrist.…
Numerous people believe owning an exotic pet, such as a tiger or a lion would be fine, since some people view these exotic animals as normal average pets. However, not many Americans take into consideration the effects these exotic animals can cause to humans and to the animals themselves. In National Geographic, the author of the article,“Exotic Pets”, Lauren Slater, presents a graph to show that 66% of exotic animals are owned privately, 28% of the animals are owned by the zoo, and 6% of the animals are owned by the circus. The percentages shown above represent the total amount of exotic pets being held captive without a license or a permit, which is 96%, from 1990 all the way up to 2013. This statement alone gives the following…
Can you put all your reading skills together and answer these comprehension questions? Try! Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. READING PASSAGE 1 SNAKE BITES BOY Three-year-old Teddy Lasry was napping yesterday in his cowboy outfit yesterday at his family's Fifth Ave. apartment when he shot up in bed screaming. A 3-foot-long black-and-white snake was coiled around his left arm and had just bitten his pinky.…