I am typing this letter due to the thought and use of cigarettes and e-cigs. Is E-cigs better for you?Do they only substitute flavor for tobacco? How are they going to improve the chemical foundation of the E-cigs?
There are many teens and adults that consume in E-cigs due to the fact they are safer than normal cigarettes. But do you think they are correct? Do they really contain safe and not sorry ingredients? Will it truly decrease the percentage of smokers?
“Tobacco still kills six million people around the world every year.”-Marcus Munafo professor of psychology at University Of Bristol. So this is why people move on to E-Cigs but why is the number rate still up?
Well E-cigs are devices that work similar to smoking products. It …show more content…
This cartridge contains the nicotine along with flavor, and chemicals to make it form into the vapor that it is. Therefore E-cigs are considered smokeless. Although E-Cigs don't both contain tobacco they do both contain chemicals that lead to cancer just like tobacco. Studies found in 2009 have proven that In a E-Cig cartridges contain a chemical called formaldehyde. This is a chemical that causes cancer in humans. The chemical levels of this chemical in E-cigs are higher than the maximum EPA recommend for the human health.
However E-Cigarettes have not been around long to prove whether or not it is healthier and that it does not create cancer. However I believe smoking no matter what is not necessary. I believe right now E-cigs are better at this point due to no tobacco. However that's the only thing they replace (flavor for tobacco). In order for people to transition to E-cigs then soon after quit completely I believe more places should banned people to smoke. So I do believe E-cigs are better for you in some form or