It is similar to the freedom of worship. You may be brought up in a Christian family, but you have the freedom to switch off to Islam or Hindu religion. The majority of individuals who practice same-sex marriage are discredited by their families and in their institutions of work. Further, these people face various forms of discrimination and even assault. The case of gay marriages is expressed in the ethical theory of the categorical and hypothetical imperatives as argued by Kant (Omar and Agil). These are the moral questions that guide our actions during important ethical questions such as marriage and social …show more content…
The law borrows heavily from the moralities of the society. It is a collection of numerous morals and carefully drafted to form one guideline that serves all the citizens. However, there is a difference between morality and law. The law normally acts the backbone of any country and without the law; we would live in chaos and anarchy. A good case is such as the female genital mutilation (FGM) which is outlawed in most African states but is still practiced by some communities. Another example is that of the commercial sex workers. Although prostitution is illegal in most countries, the business is still practiced in most countries (Yovel). There are other cases whereby the law and morality go hand in hand but still remain to be contradictory. Take a case such as corruption. Corruption is both an immoral and unlawful in most countries; however, it is practiced in most countries. Therefore, corruption is a contradictory issue that is present in our lives and we tend to question our morality and ethics. These cases show a conflict between morals and