Dumbo Rats Research Paper

Improved Essays
Often referred to as the ‘cute’ rat, Dumbo rats are favored by many people who otherwise would not own a pet rat. These rats are nothing more than fancy rats with genetically modified ears. Dumbo rats are excellent pets for adults and children. Many breeders and pet storeowners recommend them for children because they are more docile than other rat breeds. This is not to say that the Dumbo rat cannot become aggressive if not properly cared for. Any rat, regardless of breed, retains its wild instincts and can become aggressive if not provided with adequate food, water, or shelter. Dumbo rats crave their owners’ attention and can be played with on a daily basis.

The main trait of Dumbo rats is their large ears. They are placed lower on the rat’s head, and the Dumbo rat’s head itself is broader and flatter than that of a fancy rat. Although this may seem extreme, one tends to exaggerate the other. These rats do not have improved
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A breeder’s rats or those purchased in a pet store are just as clean as any other pet rodent. Mice, hamsters, and gerbils are all in the same rodent family. Nearly everyone agrees that Dumbo rats are adorable, so they are a good starter rat for people who have this type of mindset.

Because Dumbo rats are larger than most other species, they will require a larger cage. They are extremely curious and they like to do a lot of running and climbing. Normal rat foods can be fed to Dumbo rats. While there are foods commercially prepared just for Dumbo rats, these are more expensive and not necessary.

Rats love treats, and because their incisors never stop growing, they need something to gnaw on at all times. Rawhide and blocks of wood are great options, as are cardboard boxes wine corks. Many rats prefer crispy rice cereal to all other snacks, so this is a great incentive to get a rat to do tricks. Crunchy vegetables make great treats. Commercially prepared chew treats for rats are another fantastic

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