Duality In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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n the prologue to “The Canterbury Tales” there were many different characteristics and personalities through out the story. There were the rich, the poor, the fakers and the showy people. The well mannered, the skilled the wise, and the honest. The different groups of people often had some of the same people in each, in some ways most of the people were a blend of each of the personalities . we find people like this in todays society.
The people of the stories did wrong and they knew what was happening , the story is full of the corrupt and the crooked. The honest and the true. But in the story and in modern day times we see these characteristics in many. For instance the Nun, she was the prioress. The one in charge, after all the may be well mannered but does that really mean she is a great and honest person? In todays society there are many people who can deceive you and make you perceive them in a way they really aren’t. For example “For courtliness she had a special zest”, which means she had a special liking for dating. The only problem is she’s a Nun she isn’t supposed to have any type of partner. She focuses on mainly playing her part, that’s where you see the fakeness. She
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In similar fashion to the Nun the doctor shows a great example of duality. In the story the doctor is very skilled at what he does. However he shows off everything he’s a very showy person. He likes to show off all the good things about him he isn’t really humble about what he has in his life. He was well perceived as a knowledgeable and successful person. He knew he was good, correspondingly to how he was perceived it was said in the story “ No one alive could talk as well as he did on points of medicine and of surgery”. None the less he was a great and skilled doctor, however he was a greedy person, he would proscribe medicine to people for

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