There are a plethora of religions worldwide many of which subscribe to the existence of a higher power. However, Christianity is one of the major religions who have spread worldwide. There is great discussion of whether the God of Christianity actually exist and can be proven by evidence scientifically and philosophically. However, although I believe the God does exist, I do not believe there is satisfactory evidence for nonbelievers without taking the step to believe and have faith. Despite of this, the God of Christianity is sound to believe to exist through philosophical reasoning based on the functioning and existence of morality, a belief in metaphysical world and dualism. Through belief in a metaphysical world, there are elements from the nonphysical realm that influence the physical world. This belief gives allowance for God’s existence. Although there are the laws of nature that science has developed, these vary patterns that humanity has outlined to be true do not negate the actions of God as creator, nor do they deter the activity of God in the spiritual realm to influence the physical. Instead, the complex and mindless functioning of our universe alludes to spiritual influences. Danny Frederick published an article in the International Journal of Philosophy and religion explaining that, “. There is one exception to this claim: the argument from the possibility of natural laws requires only a very powerful, knowledgeable and skilful spiritual being, rather than a being with the full panoply of divine attributes” (281 Federick). The intricate structure of the world is fitting to be attributed to something or someone higher than what mankind can fathom or understand. Which Frederick continues with saying that we there are only to options when understanding the metaphysical world. The first is to settle with knowing or understanding is finite and the other is , “endorsing a theism according to which everything that happens in the material world is an activity of God which is analogous to those of our mental activities which are under our immediate control” (282 Frederick). The Christian accepts that our knowledge is finite, but decides to supports an understanding that gives an ultimate answer to all things. Although this does not explain the processes, it does provide why our world functions in a certain manner. If one believes in a metaphysical world with spiritual influences, then it is valid t believe in the God of Christianity. Humanity has functioned and maintained off of the concept of morality. The understanding of good and evil has created security and proper a sense of proper development in society. Drawing from Yvesde Paris, Leslie Armour states in her article published by the International Journal of Philosphy that “…Thee form of the good is a unity within which the widest array of values is given its richest expression brought to consciousness in a community of shared experience: Exploration of the possibility gives us the idea of the concrete reality. This …show more content…
The separation of the mind and the body further alludes to Christian beliefs and accepts the presence of a Christian God. This same God who breathed life into humanity and shared his spirit. Dualism acknowledges a metaphysical world and connects humanity to this world; thus, we are connected to God. Aku Visala wrote in an article published by the Journal od Religion and Science about the dualism theory stating, “First, it identifies a similarity between God and humans.This similarity is being a person, which is in turn grounded in mental functioning. It runs personhood and the mental together to make sense of the personality of God and humans” (Visala). Being made in the image of God, and carry similar attributes gives insight to the very nature of God. As we have personality and character, God has a peculiar nature. Dualism supports the very foundation of the creation of humanity. Visala continues by saying, “The uniquely human mental capacities are also the capacities that make human beings personal beings. It is the capacity for intellect or rationality and subsequent freedom that make humans more than animals, namely, persons with intrinsic value. The intrinsic value of the personal is grounded in God” We have the same capacities to relate connect and understand God. The separation of humanity to the mind and the body gives further evidence and justification to believing in the existence and activity of