Imagine a world where all our soldiers are at home with there wife and kids; they do not need to go overseas to fight in wars and we are no longer losing our loved ones due to war violence because we have soldiers that are not human but robots. This sounds pretty darn nice, doesn 't it? Killer robots are the ideal soldier; they do not need food or water, they do not need to stop and rest, they do not need long training programs, and they do not need to sleep at all. Well, this can be very good and it could also go very very bad on the flip side. Drones sound like the perfect soldier, well they are in a perfect world, but we live in a world that is far from perfect so these robots are not the perfect soldier. …show more content…
Killer robots are robots that are completely autonomous and are not controlled by humans at all. The military personnel just give it commands prior to take off and it goes off of those commands to locate its target and to eliminate its target. The development of these robots, focused mostly on drones right now, but eventually advancing to ground units that look like humans almost but are completely autonomous, these sound really nice because then we do not need to send our loved ones into battle overseas where we do not know whether or not they are coming back alive or even in one piece. Contrary to popular believe, these killer robots are exactly what they are called, killers, they have no compassion and no way to distin- guish right from wrong. So, as a result of this, they see an old grandma in a wheelchair the same way they see a tank or a young child with a rocket launcher. Now, a soldier can easily …show more content…
He also said that the United States government assigned these terrorists, these targets, 'baseball cards ', in doing this, they sentence them to death with no notice or public trial. Elon Musk, a world renounced scientist said that mobilizing these drones is a very very bad idea in his own crazy, dooms-day-ish way. That us- ing drones in a way that will cause even more mayhem and death will only make war and policing even more ugly than what it already is.
Saint Pope John Paul II once said that our silence in times of crisis is an insult to God.
He means that if we know that something is happening that we know is wrong and immoral and an insult to God, whether you are Christian or not, you better be a bit scared if you do not do anything to try and change it. Even if you think you will not be able to make a difference, try, because even one person can make a difference in the way people think. One person can not do 100% of everything 100% of the time but if even 100 people put in 1% it will get done, this is what Raven said in TBS 's The 100. This means that one person can not change the world alone but if everybody chipped in, even if it is just a little, the world will be changed in what ever way the people are trying to change it, good or