A confederate I hired to play the role of fellow “gym goer” would begin conversations with other men in the gym in the stereotypical ways I have mention earlier. Following a strict but, fluidly changing script to see if the men take to his obviously stereotypical conversation and continue it, or change subjects. Although this experiment does not have very strict guidelines it is very useful to a dramaturgical theorist. It would be useful because it would let them see whether or not the men speak in this way to relate to one another or only to save
A confederate I hired to play the role of fellow “gym goer” would begin conversations with other men in the gym in the stereotypical ways I have mention earlier. Following a strict but, fluidly changing script to see if the men take to his obviously stereotypical conversation and continue it, or change subjects. Although this experiment does not have very strict guidelines it is very useful to a dramaturgical theorist. It would be useful because it would let them see whether or not the men speak in this way to relate to one another or only to save