He wants to bring back Project Exile, meaning that if a violent felon uses a gun to commit a crime, they will be prosecuted in federal court and automatically be sentenced to prison for five years with no parole or early release. When this project was being used in Richmond, Virginia, murders committed with guns decreased by over sixty percent. Trump also wants to work on fixing the main problem when it comes to gun control, which would be the mental health system. He wants to expand treatment programs and make these programs more easily available. This will help allow violent, dangerous people to get off the streets before they are able to harm anyone. Besides all of the points already made on how Trump plans to fix gun control, another very important point he makes is on the way that background checks need to be improved. The majority of criminals get their weapons by stealing them if they know they will not pass a background test. The system that is already in place needs to be fixed by accurately putting criminal and mental health records into the
He wants to bring back Project Exile, meaning that if a violent felon uses a gun to commit a crime, they will be prosecuted in federal court and automatically be sentenced to prison for five years with no parole or early release. When this project was being used in Richmond, Virginia, murders committed with guns decreased by over sixty percent. Trump also wants to work on fixing the main problem when it comes to gun control, which would be the mental health system. He wants to expand treatment programs and make these programs more easily available. This will help allow violent, dangerous people to get off the streets before they are able to harm anyone. Besides all of the points already made on how Trump plans to fix gun control, another very important point he makes is on the way that background checks need to be improved. The majority of criminals get their weapons by stealing them if they know they will not pass a background test. The system that is already in place needs to be fixed by accurately putting criminal and mental health records into the