When a hand is placed on my back and an arm drapes over my chest, Alfonso and I both look at stranger. I blink several times this time. I find a very similar face to Alfonso's. Same red hair and green eyes, just the opposite sex. Jenny has come for me.
She gives me a brief smile before she uses her arms to hug my head and I would've been shocked by the fact that this is the closest she's ever been to me, if it weren't for the impending death cocked at my head. Her gaze travels from my head, the gun, and to Alfonso's face. I'm stunned myself to find him almost.. Cringing?
"Daddy," Jenny purrs in a way that, on any other day, would've had me rolling on the floor. "Didn't I tell you I liked this girl?" She asks with the fakest pout in the world. I want to laugh so hard-had Jenny always had acting skills this unbelievable? She sounds like one of those spoiled, high-maintenance girls she always wants to sucker punch at the beach! Alfonso sighs and lowers the gun. Desmond and the others have stopped squirming. I look over to Desmond and raise a brow in question, but he's got both his brows furrowed, which means he's even more surprised than I am. Alfonso's voice snaps our attention back to the conversation at hand. "My dearest, I know what you said. But how can I negate the fact that Desmond disobeyed me twice?" "Kill Desmond himself maybe?" Jenny says flatly as I give her a small slap on the shoulder. She chuckles and pats my head. Desmond rolls his eyes as if he's heard this before and I swear I hear Garett snort from behind me. "You know I can't do that." Alfonso exhales and turns his head in Desmond's direction. "You know he's just like a son to me.. And I owe him his freedom." He looks at Desmond as if he's seriously torn about what he needs to do about him. I didn't know people of his position could be capable of affections to unrelated people. In every gangster movie I've seen, they only carry enough for blood relations only-strictly. Either this guy is a big softie or Desmond really made a difference, but it's probably the latter. Alfonso seems more like the type of scary that pretends he's harmless and snaps at the right moment, like a cobra. Probably not the easily pleased type. He gives another signal with his fingers and a bodyguard removes the rag from Desmond's mouth. …show more content…
Desmond squirms a little more before he realizes he can't get out of the limbs holding him back again.
"I will work for you for however long it takes, just don't hurt her." He says the last few words softly and gives me a tired frown. That's a rare face for him to make in between always smirking or glaring. He must really be out of options right now.
Alfonso ponders this for a moment and exhales again. Jenny speaks next. "How about you just make Alexandra here a part of our crew? I told you she was brave. Don't deny what you've seen in her just now." She says with an urging smile. My eyes widen at the thought because then I'd probably have to get involved in illegal things like Desmond does. Desmond, of course, is immediately against the idea.
"Don't even think about-"
"I'll do it." I cut Desmond off. His eyes narrow at me as if to say oh you're sooo dead. I cringe at the thought, but what other deal are we going to get? This isn't just a parent-child conference where the child just needs some discipline. This is dealing with gangsters who are serious about making a point. I must've peaked Alfonso's interest, because he kneels down to my level and a curious smile crosses his face. He's much closer now, so I can make out the fine laugh lines that wrinkle his face from age. With the way he smiles, you'd think he was some simple man. Just like Desmond's, his green eyes told me he'd seen many horrible