Although taxes are a part of living in any country, taxation without representation is unjust. Yet when we try and confront Britain about this, they simply ignore us. As Paine argues in Common Sense, since Britain has not given any inclination towards a compromise we can assume that no terms will be accepted. …show more content…
Yet, how can they support us if they turn their backs on us when we want to compromise? The only way this can happen is if they have no interest in us as citizens and instead simply see people they can extort for profit.
In contrast what Britain fails to realize is that we can sustain ourselves. As Paine states in Common Sense, “Our corn will fetch its price in any market in Europe, and our imported goods must be paid for, buy them where we will.” This shows that our connection with Britain will only harm us in the future, not helps us.
As a result of poor and unjust taxation without representation and indifference to our attempts to fix this, I know that it is necessary to the continued advancement of the colonies to seek Independence. The colonies deserve fair treatment and taxation with representation. After all, what kind of country ignores its citizen’s pleas and only uses them for their own