Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Analysis

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Looking for a Difference In Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Rick Deckard contemplates the differences between living beings and androids and states, “Empathy, he once had decided, must be limited to herbivores or anyhow omnivores who could depart from a meat diet. Because, ultimately, the empathetic gift blurred the boundaries between hunter and victim, between the successful and the defeated” (Dick 31). The line between what is human and what is not would seem as if the difference can easily be seen, look at animals, clearly, they are not humans. However, what if there was a being that was similar in looks, intelligence, and could act with emotion? That line would become obscured by the similarities of humans and this other being. In Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the line between humans and androids is blurred to the point of people being unrecognizable in society. As Christopher A. Sims states in his essay, The Dangers of Individualism …show more content…
From the story, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the readers question everything that they know about themselves and what they know about others. These androids in the story act more human than the actual humans in the story. This is because humans have truly forgotten what it is like to act as one and have become too reliant on machines. Humans cannot determine what is a human when they are becoming machines themselves. This realization may lead to greater discoveries on the advancements of humans and help us be more accepting of other beings in the future. As beings of emotion, we should not separate from others and go against our true nature. As time goes on and we progress in technology and life, maybe one day we will live in a world where the similarities lead to the same confusion that the people experience in the book. It seems like everyone in the story is simply looking for a difference to separate themselves from

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