- Distribute diversity culture information in learning activity, encourage children to present their own culture in the activity. For example, custom role play activity, ask children to introduce the custom habit of their own culture.
- Provide support for second language spoken parent or family, for example, provide community services information for resettlement parent, such as Interpreter services, settlement English training course information, community kids assistance program for migration etc.
- Build up relationship with parent/family through conduct centre culture open day activity, invite parents to involve and interact with children. Such as parent can perform an aboriginal traditional dance with their children.
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For example, service centre can invite a local community group to present their culture through stage performance or interaction activity with children.
- Conduct diversity excursion. For example, arrange a day visit to aboriginal museum.
- Work collaborative with peers on curriculum design. As Australia is a country with diversity culture, we can meet our diversity colleagues and get experience in order to improve curriculum design in the