There are several approaches to psychotherapy
— including cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal and other kinds of talk therapy — that help individuals work through their problems (International).”
Psychotherapy’s main point is to form a dialogue between the therapist and the client, providing a supportive individual who focuses on being non judgemental so that the client can openly express their disorder. This therapy helps the individual with the psychological disorder to overcome their disorder and relieve any repressed emotions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy resides as a branch of psychotherapy, in which the individual and therapist focus on changing any dysfunctional thinking patterns, feelings, and behaviors, according to International, Inc. Advanced Solutions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy relates the problems in one’s life to the behaviors they are exhibiting. The idea is that if the individual becomes aware of the initial problem, they may learn how to cope in a proper way other than the behaviors that they currently represent. Furthermore, Family Therapy becomes an option for helping an individual struggling with Dissociative Identity Disorder. As International, Inc. Advanced Solutions …show more content…
As for the controversy of whether Dissociative Identity Disorder is a real disorder or not, can be proven through the evidence of the cases provided, along with the therapeutic documentation of individuals who have been relieved of their disorders over time through sessions and multiple different types of therapy. Like stated before, multiple personalities do not actually occur within a person, but it is their behavioral repertoires that change and form, making these people become dissociated with parts of their personality, causing them to seemingly have created these multiple alters or personalities. Just like these individuals experiencing dissociation, everyone exhibits the same different behavior repertoires, just less extreme. For instance, as a person daydreams about something such as an after school event or a concert, while physically doing something such as homework or work, their mind dissociates, just in a less extreme state of those who form split alters or