Different Differences Of The North Vs. South

Improved Essays
North v. South Contrasting Essay

The North and South emerged as two distinct reasons because they had various differences. These differences included the geography and the economy. First, the North’s geography was overall an advantage. It was home to resources that were easy to acquire. It also had many ports where ships with cotton arrived to deliver to the factories in New England. When the cloth was woven they were sent to markets throughout the nation to sell. In the South, the geography was mostly measured in places that had cotton. Slaves in the South picked the cotton to make in the cotton factory. The economy in the North believed in Capitalism or investing money into a business to make a profit. Since there was free enterprise,
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In the North, climate conditions were hot and dry in the North.Unlike the North, the South had mild winters and were often long overall. As a result, those climate differences affected working conditions majorly. Workers couldn’t work in both the North and South either because of cold climate or hot climate. Also, in the North, the winters were long as well. Next, the geography between the two regions was different. The North was way closer to resources that were easier to get. The resources close enough were coal and iron. The geography in the South was different as well. The South had great farming plantations and lots of mountains. That created ways for settlers to make money because the economy was mostly business and industry. The geography of both the North and the South varied differently which made ways for other businesses to develop and …show more content…
In the North new technology was created. An essential part of trading goods and how to hold up the economy was the basic means of transportation. In section 2 of chapter 9, it states that there was “The Era of the Steamboat”. The steamboat carried passengers mainly from New York to Albany as stated in the text. The steamboat was a great way to get passengers to where they wanted to go. However, in the South waterways were the basic ways of transportation. Also, roads had helped, but they were very poor in the end. There were also few canals that didn’t lead to many ways to get from point A to B. Although roads and waterways were ways of transportation, the biggest way was railroads. They provided ways for settlers to get around. In conclusion the North and the South had different means of transportation which helped grow the community even

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